
The Open Computer Forensics Architecture (OCFA) project A modular computer forensics framework.The project aims to be highly modular, robust,fault tolerant, recursive and scalable in order to be usable in large investigations that spawn nu…

IDS Policy Manager v2.0 Released http://www.activeworx.org/

Big WebOS roundup - 10 online operating systems reviewed at franticindustries - web 2.0, social networking, IT technology trends. http://franticindustries.com/blog/2006/12/21/big-webos-roundup-10-online-operating-systems-reviewed/ Web2.0時…

Security Response to BugTraq 15998 (CVE-2005-4459): Vulnerability in NAT Networking http://kb.vmware.com/vmtnkb/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=2000&sliceId=SAL_Public ORDB閉鎖 スパム対策ブラックリストの「ORDB.org」がサービス…