
Tim Berners-Lee Announces World Wide Web Foundation http://www.webfoundation.org/ WASC Threat Classification v2 Project - Call for Participants http://www.webappsec.org/projects/threat/

Jasager - Karma on the Fon. Jasager is an implementation of Karma designed to run on OpenWrt on the Fon. It will probably run on most APs with Atheros wifi cards but it was designed with the Fon in mind as it is a nice small AP which gives…

Reverse engineering Charange 2008 http://www.netagent.co.jp/reverse_engineering_2008.html 2008年09月20日〜23日 ネットエージェントにて

JPCERT/CC REPORT 2008-09-18 http://www.jpcert.or.jp/wr/2008/wr083601.html Bug in Internet Explorer security model when embedding Flash http://blog.guya.net/2008/09/10/bug-in-internet-explorer-security-model-when-embedding-flash/ Encapsulat…

Microsoft,10月末のPDCに先立ち次期OS「Windows 7」の社内テストを開始 http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/NEWS/20080916/314859/ まだ続いている“不十分な黒塗りデータ”からの情報漏えい データの前処理と黒塗り専用ツールでの対処以外も検討が必要 htt…