
Zerowine Sandbox

マルウェアかどうかをビヘイビア分析によって判断するサンドボックス. Zero wine is a sandbox created with WINE and QEmu to (automatically) analyze malware.It's behavioral based: Just upload your malware to the zerowine's web server and let it…

Inguma (version 0.1.0 R1)

二つのツールが追加されたとのこと OpenDis Binary Navigator. A navigator for executables. PCAP Fuzzer: Another interesting tool (well, a library and a tool) is this, the PCAP based fuzzer. Record a session in one PCAP format file and use it …

CAN YOU CRACK A CODE? Try Your Hand at Cryptanalysis

http://www.fbi.gov/page2/dec08/code_122908.html FBIからの挑戦