
The Second International Conference on Network & Communications Security (NCS - 2010) December 27 - 29, 2010 Chennai, India http://airccse.org/ncs2010/ncs.html NPSec 2010 - 6th Workshop on Secure Network Protocols Kyoto, Japan, October 5, …

fuzzdb 1.07 fuzzdb is a comprehensive set of known attack pattern sequences, predictable locations, and error messages for intelligent brute force testing and exploit condition identification of web applications, categorized by attack type…

hashdays 2010 - Call for Papers (#days CFP) https://www.hashdays.ch/

URL書き換え拡張の使用による一般的なSEO問題の修正 http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/fdotnet/scottgublog/20100430urlrewrite/urlrewrite.html ソフトウェア等の脆弱性関連情報に関する届出状況 2010年第1四半期(1月〜3月 http://www.ipa.go.jp/security/vuln/r…

シマンテック、暗号化ベンダーのPGPとGuardianEdgeを買収へ http://japan.zdnet.com/news/ir/story/0,2000056187,20412906,00.htm ガンブラー攻撃に新手口、感染パソコンをDDoS攻撃の踏み台に http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/NEWS/20100429/347662/ We…