Pandora FMS 2.0がリリース.1系から2.0へのmigration toolも

Pandora FMS (Flexible Monitoring System) is a monitoring application to watch
systems, applications or process, that allows to know the status of any
element of your systems, watch for your hardware, your software, your
multilayer system and of course your Operating System.

Development of stable version 2.0 of Pandora FMS is over. After a long
period of testing, Pandora FMS team has finished development for this
version that introduces great features from previous version.

Some changes from last version are.

* WMI Remote Monitoring Server (Windows) and Plugin Server (UNIX).
* Prediction Server.
* Export Server.
* Network Map.
* New Visual Console in AJAX for interactive map creation.
* Agent remote configuration from the Console.
* Coumpound alerts.

You can download Pandora FMS v2.0 or migrate tool from